Thursday 8 August 2024

Reverse racism

The previous post described the extent to which white woke liberals have invested in the fight against racism. This follow up examines the reverse racism these same activists engage in, which targets their own race, white Europeans. They shamelessly participate in an orchestrated campaign to denigrate their own race, and to praise and promote the culture, history, lifestyle and behaviour of people belonging to other races and ethnic groups, most notably Afro-Caribbeans and Muslims.

This open discrimination is practiced in a number of areas: in employment, in the indoctrination of children, in the broadcast media, in advertising and in cultural activities such as the theatre, cinema and museums. This is imposed and regulated in an opaque yet pervasive manner, and thus it is difficult for those on the outside affected, the powerless silent white majority, to challenge the virtue signalling elite manipulators pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Legislation with the aim of achieving equal opportunities in employment was introduced because it was widely believed that ethnic minorities were being discriminated against on racial grounds. At the same time, to reassure the white population, it was made clear that quotas for non whites would be illegal, and that employers would legally be allowed to choose the best candidate for a job regardless of skin colour.

However, this did not satisfy the race activists who claimed that non whites were still being discriminated against, and so the rules were changed to allow preferential recruitment of ethnic minorities in areas were they were considered to be ‘under represented’. To further this process schemes to coach ethnic minorities were introduced in many public bodies to improve their chances of success. This was the start of the slippery slope to replace equality of opportunity with equality of outcome, now known as equity. The power of the state would be used to require that any business seeking government contracts must first provide evidence that their workforce met ethnic diversity targets. As a consequence, white people began to be openly discriminated against, since employers hired more black applicants in order to meet the demands of the state’s diversity agenda.

The government describes Black History Month as ‘a time to celebrate the contribution black people have made over the centuries in shaping the dynamic and diverse country we have today’. It is claim that is wilfully deceitful, as expressed in the statement ‘from Roman times black people have been an integral part of our country’. This is pernicious nonsense since Britain was 99.9% white European prior to the arrival of the Windrush generation in 1948. This is a flagrant attempt to brainwash schoolchildren by presenting them with a wholly false narrative. The reality is that since their arrival black people have provided very little of benefit to British history or culture, with the possible exception of a handful of musicians some decades ago.

The broadcast media, particularly the BBC, has been in the vanguard of presenting black people in a positive light, regardless of their actual individual merits. In more recent times their on screen representation has become hugely disproportionate to their real numbers. This is reflected in discussion programmes where minority pundits are invited to participate on the basis of their skin colour, rather than their expertise. Black people are overrepresented in TV drama, invariably occupying positions of responsibility, seniority or integrity, with whites playing the roles of subordinates or villains. A more recent insidious trend is the increasing inclusion of black actors in historic dramas, thereby presenting a wholly misleading portrayal of the country’s past. Many long standing BBC programmes have been hijacked by ethnic presenters such as, The Weakest Link, Mastermind and University Challenge, and Doctor Who is now played by an actor of African origin. The mainstream media remains silent about this racial and cultural capitulation.

For many years non whites were almost invisible in advertising, companies suspecting that the inclusion of black people would alienate a predominantly white consumer market and so view their products negatively. However, public bodies, in particular left wing councils, started to feature black people in their publicity. This was during the time when ‘progressive’ activists started to proclaim the benefits of diversity. For some time private companies resisted this change, but gradually they too would start to include a few black faces in their advertising. This would incrementally continue to increase until about two thirds of today’s advertisements feature Afro-Caribbeans. Again, this development occurred without any response from the mainstream media. Recently, women wearing hijabs have started to appear in advertising and so it quite possible that before long these images will start to multiply and so normalise the extreme ‘modesty’ promoted by this Islamic female garment, which is seen as a symbol of oppression by most Iranian women.

Both the theatre and cinema now appear to have quotas and targets for the inclusion of black actors in prominent roles. It is to be hoped that the British public responds by refusing to attend such top down attempts at cultural indoctrination. Museums today seem far more interested in denouncing slavery and colonialism, for which nobody today is responsible, than in portraying a more balanced and appealing representation of British history.

Given the current open discrimination in favour of ethnic minorities outlined above, any future ‘far right’ government would be provided with the justification and motivation to openly discriminate in favour of the white majority. Woke liberals should have no grounds for complaint about behaviour they were happy to practice themselves.

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