Thursday 20 June 2024

UK General Election 2024

We are currently over halfway through what has been described as the most boring general election campaign that anyone can remember. The reason for this is that the Conservative government has lost all credibility, and yet there is only shallow support and little real enthusiasm for the Labour alternative. Nevertheless, all the opinion polls indicate that Sir Keir Starmer will achieve a huge parliamentary majority.

Another factor dampening any enthusiasm is that there appears to be very little difference between the major political parties. They are now ideologically very similar, stressing their managerial competence in delivering near identical policy objectives. The TV debates seem to be dominated by the exchange of simplistic slogans and parroting questionable taxation claims against their opponents. In contrast the party manifestos provide a comprehensive and highly detailed description of the objectives each party hopes to achieve in the next five years. So some scrutiny is necessary to discover if there are any policies on offer that might stand out sufficiently to motivate an apparently apathetic electorate to turn out and vote.

It has to be acknowledged that as far as the two major parties are concerned there is no obvious stand out policy that differentiates them. So the electorate is left to judge which of these two fake opponents can best deliver the consensus agenda they both appear to share. However, it is the case that there are still many issues which the public believes are not being properly addressed due to the deliberate and wilful disregard of the political establishment.

Fortunately, one party, Reform UK, does appear to offer a genuine alternative which might appeal to a significant number of voters. They take a hard line on the open ended chain immigration that has transformed many town and cities. They openly dismiss the obsession with Net Zero, the enormous costs it will incur and the meddling and intrusion in the life of citizens that will result. They oppose the widespread woke indoctrination imposed on an uncomprehending and irritated public. They denounce the self flagellation of the virtue signalling and guilt tripping ‘progressive’ class who appear to hate their country, race, culture and history, whilst at the same time abjectly capitulating to the demands of a ragbag of favoured vocal minority groups, who gradually and incrementally have been undermining the cohesiveness of British society.

So the electorate have at last been given the opportunity to clear out the treacherous cabal intent on destroying the fabric of our society, and replace them with those who can carry out the necessary reforms to reverse the deleterious and damaging agenda imposed on the British public by an out of touch and entitled political elite.

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