Friday, 28 October 2022

The zombie party

What are we to make of the death agonies of the Conservative Party which has dominated the news during the past few months? This was a political force which gained an eighty seat majority less than three years ago. Yet it has now become an embarrassing international joke, with prime ministers, chancellors and other cabinet ministers arriving and departing in double quick time. The journalist Peter Hitchens has previously dismissed the Tories as ‘the zombie party’, and recent events have confirmed the accuracy of his analysis. So how has this once stable and powerful political party been reduced to such a pitiful state?

The problem with the Conservative Party is that it hasn’t been remotely conservative since the mid 1960s, and even then was beginning to show signs of appeasing its political critics rather than defending traditional core values. The Tories have presided over a gradual incremental process of surrender. This post attempts to outline how they increasingly started to dance to the tune of their opponents, rather than provide much needed opposition to the pernicious and subversive agenda propounded by the highly vocal, cultural Marxist left.

So briefly, over the years the Tories have failed to support grammar schools and academic excellence, they have allowed open ended third world immigration that has created ethnic ghettoes, they have encouraged no fault divorce which has resulted in millions of broken families, they have pandered to the vocal homosexual lobby by introducing same sex ‘marriage’, endorsed gay pride parades and indoctrination in schools. They have presided over a vast range of intrusive equalities legislation which privileges minorities, endorsed so called ‘hate crimes’ which suppress free speech, accepted the transgender agenda which defies biological reality, embraced the climate change hoax with the unattainable and burdensome net zero target, and introduced totalitarian measures to curb personal freedom during the covid epidemic.

All of these are contrary to traditional conservative values, and by adopting them the Tories have made themselves indistinguishable from their political opponents, but with one big difference. Labour, Liberal Democrats, Greens and Scottish & Welsh Nationalists all believe in these policies, whereas the Conservatives have been dragooned into supporting them because of their cowardice in not standing up to the intimidation of the politically correct left, through their campaign of abuse, employing pejorative slogans such as racist, homophobia etc, to silence opposition.

On economic affairs the Conservatives record has been poor with periods of high unemployment, soaring inflation, prolonged austerity and low growth. Currently they cannot make up their minds whether to pursue an irresponsible dash for growth or to deflate the economy through public spending cuts. On energy, their policies have made no sense, closing scores of dependable coal fired power stations and replacing them with unreliable sources such as wind and solar. They have privatised natural monopolies such as water, electricity and gas, replacing them with remote cartels offering a fake competition supervised by a toothless bureaucracy. They have replaced a unitary passenger rail system with a state subsided, impenetrable labyrinthine structure.

As a consequence of the Tories ineptitude Labour now has an unassailable lead in the opinion polls with the near certain result that they will win the next general election. The only real achievement during the Conservatives time in government was leaving the European Union. This is now at risk since there is nothing to prevent an exultant Labour Party from overturning their current policy of accepting the result of the referendum. Such is their poll lead they can now successfully campaign on a promise to rejoin the EU and still achieve a significant majority. They are very unlikely to pass over such an opportunity given the huge support for the EU amongst their activists.

So the recent meltdown of the Conservative Party will result in a Labour government for an extended period of time, that will very likely reverse Brexit and introduce yet more oppressive restrictions on individual freedoms in pursuit of their subversive identity politics agenda. Meanwhile ‘the zombie party’, through its incompetence, has disenfranchised huge swathes of the British electorate.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Blast from the past 2 – Tony Blair

This is the second post taken from the predecessor to this blog. It was written just after Tony Blair left Downing Street as prime minister in 2007, and offers an assessment of his achievements and failures whilst he held that office. This is the post in full:-

So, he has finally gone. What are we to make of Tony Blair’s ten years in Downing Street? First, to get them out of the way, let’s acknowledge his successes. His government managed to keep the economy on an even keel, inflation remained low and there was no great hike in unemployment, as happened under the Tories. Underinvestment in public services was reversed (although the extra money was not always wisely targeted), disproving the notion that public spending crowds out private activity, which continued at a high level. Despite strong pressure, we also stayed out of the Euro, thus retaining control of our economy. Taken together these are considerable successes, more than the Thatcher, Major and previous Labour administrations achieved. Unfortunately for politicians, the public are usually more inclined to condemn them for their failures than to give credit for their successes.

So what then are his failures? Regrettably, there are quite a few. To begin with the cultural Marxist permanent revolution that started in the Sixties became considerably more entrenched. The ability of the British people to govern themselves without outside interference was undermined still further, and normal family life continued to be subverted. Education stayed manifestly unreformed, the causes of chronic criminality remained unaddressed, the popular media continued its downward spiral of degradation, and control of our borders was lost completely. Let us examine the background to these failures in more detail.

Many people still seem unaware that they are guinea pigs in a massive Marxist social experiment. This has happened as a consequence of most levers of power coming under the control of a subversive elite who succeeded in projecting themselves in a positive light by the skilful use of fine sounding buzz words, such as ”progressive”, “tolerant”, “modern”, “forward looking”, “inclusive” etc. This hijacking of the social agenda has allowed the subversives to define what is worthy and acceptable, leaving ordinary people confused and powerless to respond. Those who question the Marxist agenda are either ridiculed or denounced as “reactionary”, “bigots” or a subjected to pejorative leftist newspeak terms such as “racist” or “homophobic” This process has been gradual yet incremental.

It is worth examining how the Blair government has taken forward this Marxist social agenda. It should be remembered that the main objective is to gradually transfer to the state, rights that were historically exercised by ordinary people either as individuals, families or private businesses. In short, state control by trusted politically sound apparatchiks and their careerist hangers on, is the name of the game. This process has continued for over four decades now, including the supposedly “right wing” administration of Margaret Thatcher.

The biggest casualty has been the further undermining of parliamentary democracy. This has been subverted on two fronts, by the expansion of the powers of the European Union, and interference by the European Court of Human Rights, as it misleadingly styles itself. Directives and judgements either by, or at the instigation, of these two supra national bodies now severely circumscribe what political parties can promise, let alone deliver, at general elections. The three major parties are all committed to maintaining the present system more or less, thus denying the British electorate from exercising true democracy, that is the ability to decide issues for ourselves as a nation.

The next target for subversion is to destroy the cohesion of society. Fifty years ago Britain was noted for its racial homogeneity, low crime, family stability, good manners and community spirit. Since then governments have encouraged huge levels of third world immigration, totally destroyed marriage, removed all effective means of discipline from teachers, weakened the authority of parents, undermined the police and criminal justice system, and allowed a degraded and trivialised media to develop. None of the legislative, judicial or administrative measures that allowed this to happen were ever included in any election manifesto. As a consequence, in many parts of Britain, a feckless underclass has developed resulting in crime ridden, socially and culturally fragmented communities, with dysfunctional families, feral youths, drug gangs and fatherless children.

Specifically, under the Blair government well over a million third world migrants entered the country, resulting in the ethnic cleansing of neighbourhoods and the lowering of wages for the most financially vulnerable. Marriage was downgraded to the same status as single parenthood, or the nonsensical concept of same sex “civil partnerships”. Teachers were left with no means of disciplining children other than by the drastic step of exclusion, and politically correct propaganda entered the curriculum at the expense of national traditions. Instead of acting as a deterrent on the beat, police officers spent most of their time completing paperwork, as did teachers in order to meet mostly unnecessary targets or bureaucratic directives. All of these were the direct consequence of the imposition of the “progressive” agenda promoted by the cultural Marxists in the government, BBC, universities, schools, trade unions, local government, state funded “charities”, and schools.

Don’t expect any change under Gordon Brown.

Unlike his successors, Tony Blair was lucky that there were no global financial crises during his watch. The cultural Marxist revolution which became entrenched under Blair has expanded still further under his successors, to additionally include the transgender nonsense. This demonstrates that Marxist subversion continues regardless of which major political party is in office. Although Britain has now left the European Union outside interference in our affairs still continues via global bodies such as the UN, WHO, IMF, WEF etc. So a lot still has to be done to restore much needed genuine conservative principles to our country.