Since then the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ has been gaining traction. It can be defined as someone who to a greater or lesser extent does not feel comfortable in the sex into which they are born. In principle, there is nothing untoward about this, as there must be millions of both men and women who do not conform to popular stereotypes about their sex. This is a matter which reflects their own individual personalities and preferences, which should be of no concern to wider society.
It is worth remembering that not so long ago many ‘progressives’ were arguing that there was no fundamental differences between the sexes other than physical biology. The reason for this was that women were claiming that they were intrinsically just as capable of succeeding in any field of employment on equal terms with men, and so any discrimination against them based on their sex was misguided and should be outlawed. This belief still underpins the complaints of vocal feminists offended that women have not achieved parity with men in (usually) cushy or well paid jobs. So it comes as quite a surprise that these same ‘progressives’ are now claiming that there are indeed intrinsic differences between the two sexes which now come under the umbrella term ‘gender’. Hypocritically they still refuse to accept that ‘gender’ differences might explain why men do better in certain occupations, despite the bending of rules and preferential treatment introduced with the aim of encouraging more women to enter and succeed in such employment.
At some point in recent years the word ‘sex’ was supplanted by the word ‘gender’ in the terminology of the politically correct establishment. Instead of there being two sexes, male and female, these became reclassified as two genders, the term gender politics is a practical example of this change of usage. There has been further confusion as ‘gender’ now covers not only physical differences, but broadened to also include psychological traits deemed to reflect a sense of identity as either male or female.
This change has led to much confusion. The male sex and the female sex reflect a physical tangible reality. But this is not the case for psychological differences which exist only in the mind of the individual, and have no objective external reality visible to wider society. Thus ‘gender’ in its new psychological definition has no real meaning in physical terms since it is all in the mind. Since there is a huge overlap between male and female personalities it is meaningless for any individual to claim that they have the mental characteristics of the opposite sex. So sex differences are real because they are based in physical reality, but the gender differences being promoted are all in the mind - they are subjective and have no basis in external reality. Hence the whole ‘gender fluidity’ agenda is based on a complete fraud.
One aspect of the transgender agenda is the call for gender neutral clothing and the right to wear clothes traditionally associated with the opposite sex. People should of course be free to express themselves in what they wear without hindrance by the authorities. Most women today wear trousers which, unless they are young and very attractive, regrettably makes most of them look butch and masculine. Back in the 1950s virtually all women wore skirts or dresses and as a result the average woman then looked a lot more feminine and appealing than the average woman of today. Clearly women should not be judged purely on their looks, but it is nevertheless a puzzle why so many women present themselves in such an unfeminine way, given the amount of money they spend on fashion and cosmetics which are presumably intended to make them look more attractive.
Whilst it is now acceptable for women to dress in a masculine way, men who want to express their feminine persona, by wearing dresses or skirts, have traditionally been branded as transvestites or cross dressers and held up to ridicule or subject to insults. It is difficult to see the transgender agenda, which is a very top down movement, having much of an impact on popular prejudices. So males wanting to cross dress look as if they will continue to have a tough time for the foreseeable future. Thus there are unlikely to be many boys taking advantage of the new gender neutral clothing options, by turning up for school wearing skirts, and in so doing risking the derision and perhaps hostility of their mates.
Other instances of capitulation to transgender demands, such as allowing ‘trans’ men to enter female changing facilities and toilets, or the enforcement of artificial ‘trans neutral’ forms of address are in practice unlikely to cause that much of a problem. This is because the number of transgender people is vanishing small and thus very few people will ever encounter them. In the rare cases when they do it is very unlikely that women will passively allow their separate facilities to be invaded in this intrusive way. Nor is it probable that the average person will be willing to accept oppressive and absurd speech codes designed to appease transgender sensibilities. So the concern of those raising these fears amounts to little more than scaremongering.
One development that is much more malign and dangerous is the encouragement of children and young people to take puberty blockers or hormone treatment as a prelude to what is perniciously termed ‘gender transition’. This pandering to impressionable youngsters caught up by modish and currently fashionable transgender propaganda must be firmly resisted in their own best interest. It is strange that those who vociferously condemn sexual activity amongst teenagers as child abuse, seem to be the most prominent supporters of the genuine physical abuse of teenagers through invasive and harmful medical practices promoted by the transgender lobby.